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Yami CruzMontero & FriendsDE-Kubason in Concert

Portrait photograph of Cuban pianist Yami CruzMontero. She stands behind a grand piano in a colourful dress and smiles at the camera.
Copyright: Thomas Lackner

Cuban pianist Yami CruzMontero loves presenting undiscovered repertoire and composing her own music. While still living in Cuba, she came into contact with European piano musicm which led her to study at the University of Music and Performing Arts Munich. But after a few years of playing the concert halls of Europe she began to miss her home country.

Cuban pianist Yami CruzMontero loves presenting undiscovered repertoire and composing her own music. While still living in Cuba, she came into contact with European piano musicm which led her to study at the University of Music and Performing Arts Munich. But after a few years of playing the concert halls of Europe she began to miss her home country.

This prompted Yami CruzMontero to assume the self-appointed role of ambassador for Cuban music in Europe – music that she presents both on her recordings and at concerts. Collaborations with German musicians and composers in recent years gave rise to the idea of a project that combines the music of Europe and Cuba.


The abbreviation “DE” in the name stands for Germany, a country with a rich musical tradition, spanning from classical music to rock, pop, and electronic sounds. The “Kuba” (German for Cuba) refers to the homeland of the Cuban music style “son”. Less well known in Europe is Cuba’s own rich tradition of “classically” composed music. Yami’s fascinating energy, originality and lightness, her wit and communicative urge make this music a discovery for music enthusiasts.


  • Jenny Peña, violin, composition
  • Christos Asonitis, percussion
  • Bernd Redmann, composition
  • Yami CruzMontero, piano, composition, conductor