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Songs of AbsenceA dance piece by Anna Konjetzky

This event is in the past.

Several superimposed images of people dancing.
Copyright: Anna Konjetzky

“Songs” and “absence”, the two main words in the title, are the topics of this work, which is all about the physical, auditive and spatial composition of an evening. Functioning like a polyphonic parkour, it is a homage to what has been forgotten.

This event is in the past.

“Songs” and “absence”, the two main words in the title, are the topics of this work, which is all about the physical, auditive and spatial composition of an evening. Functioning like a polyphonic parkour, it is a homage to what has been forgotten.

From a feminist perspective, “Absence” looks for the things that are missing, that are not visible, that disappear in the in-between spaces, that want to be said – or not. It questions whether absences are “just” a not wanting to see or not being able to see.


”Songs” refers to a formal examination, both with the traditional form and album structure of songs and with contemporary performance structures per se. It is about the composition – the physical, tonal, spatial composition – of an evening that works like a polyphonic parkour: polyphonic, multiphonic; autonomy and independence of the voices.

  • Anna Konjetzky: choreography, artistic direction, stage
  • Sahra Huby, Sotiria Koutsopetrou, Quindell Orton, Martha Pasakopoulo, Hannah Schillinger, Amie Jammeh, Jin Lee: co-creation, dance
  • Sergej Maingardt: music
  • Dimosthenis Klimenof: light, costume
  • Anne Slote: video
  • Elsa Büsing: production management

As part of the Spielart Theatre Festival sponsored by the Department of Arts and Culture of the City of Munich