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This event is in the past.

A man with a bald head and beard is turning a small retro record player.
Copyright: Nils Schwarz

Drums, bass lines and clear cuts – with two turntables on hand, TC-Cut lays down sets that are nothing if not unique. Watch the party crowd’s adrenalin level rise with every spin of the turntable. After more than ten years in the game, TC-Cut creates true club magic with his urban music mixes.

This event is in the past.

Drums, bass lines and clear cuts – with two turntables on hand, TC-Cut lays down sets that are nothing if not unique. Watch the party crowd’s adrenalin level rise with every spin of the turntable. After more than ten years in the game, TC-Cut creates true club magic with his urban music mixes.

Further information at step2diz

Summer at the Kulturinsel

Whether dance, music, yoga, graffiti or chess: there is plenty of culture on the Kulturinsel am Gasteig HP8. Free of charge and for everyone.